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- 20 years of Demarec

Anniversary logo
Of course, a 20-year anniversary also has an official logo. Throughout the year we will use this logo in all possible places where it comes into its own.
Establishment of Demarec
January 1, 2001 Demarec was founded by Marcel Vening and Ruud de Gier. Here in the photo the very first batch of delivery of the first generation of demolition and sorting grabs, which it all started with 20 years ago.
“During delivery, we proudly made a complete photo report at Knijnenburg of our first series of DRG grippers.
However, when we thought everything was there and the grippers were already on their way to another job, I accidentally deleted all the photos. The truck with the grabs had to turn around again so that we could take some more pictures. At the time, we took the photos with a Sony P1 camera, which was a revolutionary device at the time. The delete button only worked a little too well “- Marcel Vening.

DXS strongest scrap shear on the market
Having a hard time cutting big steel beams?
Did you know the DXS scrap shear is the strongest scrap-shear on the market today?
This is because of our patented DemaPower 2.0 cylinder technique.
Because of this cylinder technique the DXS scrap shear has the performance of shears equivalent to one or two sizes up!
Matexpo 2001
These photos are from the Matexpo 2001.
This was the first (international) fair at which Demarec was present. During this trade fair we were able to show our own developed DRG demolition- and sorting grabs to the general public for the first time!

Demarec DNA
Passion: Passion for demolition and passion for developing our products.
Trendsetter: Being a trendsetter in the field of innovation, this comes first, always trying to raise the bar in the field of product development.
Performance: Always trying to deliver more power, more speed and more production as usual in the market.
Quality: Easy to service products, delivering products that last a long time, trying to provide a service, not being a parcel shifter, more than a supplier, choose us as a company.
Interview Demarec founders
Curious about the story of the founders of Demarec and their future vision?
Then you should read the interview. Click the link below to read the complete story of Ruud & Marcel

“We have believed that Demarec would be a success from the start,” Marcel states. “Otherwise, you wouldn’t start a company. We never assumed that it could go wrong. However, we did make the necessary preparations to prevent us from failing. When we founded Demarec in 2001, we did so with the ambition to introduce truly innovating products to the market.
”You need to be able to live up to it.”
That is true for both your prices and your entrepreneurship, according to founder Marcel. “Often, people seem to think that you are already successful when you start your own company, but that is simply not true. You are starting over and have to prove that you can do it in the first place. That is also the case with our products: if they have a higher price tag, you need to be able to live up to that. With our products, we always need to play defence; why should you spend more money on this as a customer?”
Curious about the whole story of Ruud and Marcel?
Then click the link below

“It will always be exciting to deliver a new product for the first time. The way in which we delivered our new DRG 17 in 2001 with trembling legs – will it work or won’t it – was exactly how we experienced the delivery of our new DCC in 2017. That will never change”
View the interview or complete productline below
Started 2001 in st Anthonis has been through a lot from construction to a growth every year of around 100% until the financial crisis in 2009.After the recovery in 2015, the building in Cuijk with training room and DemaBar was transferred. Completely newly equipped workshop for production with separate gouge and spray booth.
Curious about the whole story of Ruud and Marcel?
Then click the link below

Product innovations

Multi-Quick Processors
In 2004 we have officially launched our Multi-Quick Processors.
In that time the MQP was one of the first machines which was able to switch between different jaws. We came up with the idea of the DemaLink system to make the MQP really flexible and multi purpose machine.
The biggest achievement was that we also invented our own patented cylinder system the DemaPower which was also implemented in the MQP. Therefore the MQP has 20% more power than a standard cylinder.
Because of these two important elements the MQP in that time was a revolutionary product.
Since then we have upgraded the MQP with some fine tunings and therefore the Multi-Quick Processors are nowaday still very good in demolition these days.
On the photo the MQP-001 we sold at the Bauma 2004 is at work!

Two cylinder concrete crusher
In 2017 we have officially launched our two cylinder concrete crusher the DCC.
At first we didn’t believed in the concept of a two cylinder shear but after some study and reseach we had to make one our own. But when we did get involved in the two cylinder shear business we wanted to make sure that we producted one of the best in the market today.
So just like with the MQP we needed to upgrade our DemaPower system and made the DemaPower 2.0 cylinder. This cylinder delivers 25% more power and extreme fast cycle times.
the advantage is that the cylinder provides immediate force and can therefore quickly penetrate the concrete. the cylinder does not need to build up any force, which means that it works quickly even when cutting fairly small concrete.
The photo was taken during a bridge demolition of Vlasman: Sloop. The first ever DCC-75 in action.
Nowadays we deliver the DCC with exchangeable wear parts or with long cutting blades.

DXS scrap shears
One of our latest developments the DXS scrap shear.
The difference between our previous shear the DRS and the DXS is the design but most of all the performance.
With investing time in a complete new range of scrap shears we have producted a shear with 25% more performance then a normal scrap shear.This is all because of the DemaPower 2.0 cylinder. This cylinder makes it possible to achieve the performance equivalent of shears one or two sizes up!The DXS scrap shear is one of the strongest if not the strongest shear in the market today!
We introduced the DXS scrap shear in 2019 and the shears are now available for excavators from 18 – 65 ton.